However, the lessons that are learned in the process of becoming teammates can be a unique and often discouraging experience.
I’ve been riding Loba since 2011. She’s a sweet, energetic horse with a crazy streak that can take years to grasp an understanding of. She has a lot of anxiety, and most people can’t really ride her due to her unpredictable energy.
Well when I started riding her I was far from the quiet, consistent handler that she needed. However, I had totally fallen in love with this petite, athletic mare so, with the help of Amelia, we began our journey together.
This horse does not trust her rider easily. It’s just who she is. In 2011, when I began to work with Loba, she didn’t love, nor trust me very much, if at all. We made each other tense and a little on edge whenever we’d try to work together and our rides often ended with me thinking, "Why on earth did I decide to love this horse?"
Unfortunately, our personalities are very similar, which often was a recipe for disaster. Even though she would reject putting her faith in my capabilities (which at the time were few), each week I kept showing up, ever ready to try again and ask her to give up her need for control. We kept working hard, and as the years passed, we began to make progress. She began to trust me.
In August of last year, Loba was officially adopted into our family, and I have never been happier. We have a very special bond that makes working with such a fun and rewarding experience. She always tries so hard to do what I ask, and I am still so in love with her. Loba and I have come so far since 2011, and daily I am overwhelmingly thankful.
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Jesus is always teaching me something through her. Just like Loba, no matter how many times we desire to take control and rely on our own capabilities, Jesus is always there, waiting for us to give our trust to Him and relinquish our anxiety and control. He’s always ready to take that step with us—we just have to let go and rely on Him.
"Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken." (Psalm 55:22)